Instagram: About the Person, Not the Brand

I had mixed feelings about opening up an Instagram account to showcase some of the Timely Photos here.

On one hand, I love having the complete freedom and control of running my own blog, owning my own content, and publishing here.

On the other hand, Instagram is built for photos and is currently where many people connect and get their first impressions of new images.

I’ve always felt that Instagram is first and foremost about the person behind the photos — not necessarily the brand behind the photos. Thus, I created the page under my own username and not the generic “Timely Photo” brand Instagram account (which I also happen to own).

Trust me, you’ll never see what I’m having for lunch, but I do publish photos from time to time on a more personal level than I would do with a purely “branded” page. Brands that act like people are silly. People that act like brands are annoying.

We’ll see where this goes… In the meantime, my page is here:

See you around sometime!

Intense. ISO 800 | 200mm | f/4.8 | 1/1000sec