Chris Lee in 1980.
Chris Lee in 2020
About Chris Lee
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This is me.
In 1980 with my first camera. Taking one of my first 35mm photos.
I was always that kid.
You know, that kid who volunteered to run the movie projector in middle school. The nerd assigned to take pics of the popular kids for the high school yearbook. The college kid hanging with the artsy crowd in the photo darkroom. And now, the busy dad that brings two DSLR camera bodies to shoot his 8-year-old son's karate class. You know, that kid.
Present Day
A lot has changed since I took this photo. For one thing, I ditched those awful shorts. And Battlestar Galactica just wasn't the same since 1980.
Photography changed also.
Photography has changed at a significance not seen since the invention of the first Kodak portable camera.
Today, smartphones have taken over. Sharing is the new printing. Photography now often gravitates toward two very distinct paths: artistic expression and daily life capturing (documenting).
I gravitate toward telling a story through the artistic expression of the image. The image is the art. The content dictates the design. The moment clarifies the emotion. And the photo -- that is, the lens, the light, the creative decisions behind it, the editing, and final display -- all work together with the photographer to present a captured moment in time in a brand-new and inspiring way.
I shoot with Fujifilm cameras mostly. Sometimes GoPro or a Canon G7x. Technically, I'll tell you that the reason is because I prefer an X-Trans Sensor to a Bayer Sensor. But I just love the feel and build of their cameras regardless of what technology is behind the scenes.
I tend to shoot nature, landscape, travel, people, cosplay, and architecture. I pay the bills with corporate/organization photography and video work.
But I am. Still that kid.
My passion is still, and will always be, with photography. Thus, I recently started Timely Photo - my new home of my thoughts, photos, and passions. Which is where you are right now. And that brings you back around and up to date on all of this. So, thanks.
I live in Atlanta with my wife and two (highly photographed) kids.
Oh, and I make videos for YouTube.